Excellence in innovation and discovery depends upon diverse perspectives and equitable opportunities and approaches. In this theme, a core commitment of the Chair is fostering paths to access STEM experiences, education and careers.
With a goal to IMPACT LOCALLY and INFLUENCE NATIONALLY, the activities of the British Columbia/Yukon Chair, will advance local engagement, transformative learning, and research excellence around the three core themes of INCLUSION, COLLABORATION and INNOVATION.
WWEST: STEM Outreach
The WWEST STEM Outreach team eagerly collaborates with classroom teachers to develop engaging hands-on lessons for students. Using various BC Education Curriculum outcomes, lessons are STEM focused but based on the needs of the local classroom community. In-person, classroom lessons, are designed as a series of visits, with the goal of building connections and interest in STEM retention for years to come.
Email for more information. We look forward to visiting!

We’re excited to announce that the National Network of NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering has officially launched a website! If you’re looking for more information on the Network or any of the individual Chair programs, this is the place to go. You’ll also find resources created by the Network or Chair programs, upcoming events, important announcements etc.
You can visit the new site at: